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Number of items: 61.


Fleming, Michael and Bryan, John (2016) Early English Viols: Instruments, Makers and Music. Routledge. ISBN 978-1472468543


Fleming, Michael (2013) John Evelyn on Musical Instrument Wood. The Galpin Society Journal, 66. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (2012) Woodwork Tools in Early Modern Oxford. Oxoniensia, 77. pp. 107-116. ISSN 0308–5562

Fleming, Michael (2012) Robert Dow's viols: a lamentable lacuna. In: Medieval and Renaissance Music seminar series, 8th November 2012, All Souls College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Fleming, Michael (2012) Early English viol makers' tools and resources. In: CordeFactum Festival 2012, 18th - 20th May 2012, Hingene, Belgium. (Unpublished)


Fleming, Michael (2011) Obfuscation or illumination: what ‘early English viols’ tell us about early English viols. In: The American Musical Instrument Society Conference on Musical Instruments, 18th - 21st May 2011, Phoenix, AZ, USA. (Unpublished)

Fleming, Michael (2011) Viols. In: Musical Instruments in the Ashmolean Museum: The Complete Collection. Oxford Musical Instrument Publishing LLP, Berkhamsted. ISBN 9780956767905


Fleming, Michael (2010) Woodworking Tools in Sixteenth-Century Oxford. In: Technology and craft of early stringed instruments, c. 500-1550, 6th November 2010, University of London. (Unpublished)


Fleming, Michael (2009) The Identities of the Viols in the Ashmolean Museum. The Viola da Gamba Society Journal, 3 (2). pp. 117-130. ISSN 0507-0252

Fleming, Michael (2009) The viol displayed, the iconographer dismayed. In: Making the British Sound, Conference, 6 - 11 July 2009, London - Edinburgh. (Unpublished)


Fleming, Michael (2008) Phillippe Golledge: another Oxford musical instrument dealer? The Galpin Society Journal, 61. pp. 332-335. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (2007) Book review: Un corpo alla ricerca dell'anima...Andrea Amati e la nascita del violino/ Andrea Amati and the birth of the violin, Renato Meucci (ed.). The Galpin Society Journal, 60. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (2006) What we can and cannot learn from English images of viols. In: CordeFactum 2006, June 2006, Belgium.

Fleming, Michael (2006) Book review: A Viola da Gamba Miscellanea. Articles from and inspired by viol symposiums organized by the Ensemble Baroque de Limoges, France, Susan Orlando (ed.). The Galpin Society Journal, 59. pp. 279-280. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (2006) Book review: The Baroque cello revival: an oral history,Paul Laird, Lantham: Scarecrow Press, 2004. The Galpin Society Journal, 59. pp. 276-277. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (2005) Book review: Diego Ortiz: Trattado de Glosas, (Rome 1553), Annette Otterstedt, Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2003. The Galpin Society Journal, 58. pp. 269-270. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (2005) An 'old old viol' and 'other lumber': musical remains in Provincial, non-noble England c.1580-1660. The Galpin Society Journal, 58. pp. 89-99. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (2004) Henry Jaye. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

Fleming, Michael (2004) Instrument-making in Oxford. The Galpin Society Journal, 57. pp. 246-251. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (2003) Another juggler: instruments and instrumentalists in early modern Oxford. In: The American Musical Instrument Society Conference on Musical Instruments, 3 - 9 August 2003, Oxford - London - Edinburgh.

Fleming, Michael (2003) Book review: The Italian viola da gamba: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Italian Viola da Gamba, Magnano, Italy, 29 April - 1 May 2000, ed. Susan Orlando (Solignac/Turin: Edition Ensemble Baroque de Iimoges/Edizioni Angolo Manzoni, 2002). Early Music, 31 (2). pp. 283-284. ISSN 0306-1078

Fleming, Michael (2003) Book review: François-Xavier Tourte, Bow Maker, Stewart Pollens and Henryk Kaston, with M.E.D Laing, New York et al, 2001. The Galpin Society Journal, 56. p. 271. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (2003) Book review: The Viol: History of an Instrument, Annette Otterstedt, Kassel, 2002. The Galpin Society Journal, 56. pp. 269-271. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (2003) How long is a piece of string? Understanding seventeenth-century descriptions of viols. Chelys, 31. pp. 18-35. ISSN 0952-8407


Fleming, Michael (2002) Book review: Masterpieces of Italian Violin Making (1620-1850). Important stringed instruments from the collection at the Royal Academy of Music, 2nd edition, David Rattray, London, 2000. The Galpin Society Journal, 55. pp. 353-354. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (2002) Instrument-makers named Hill and Hunt in Pepys's London. The Galpin Society Journal, 55. pp. 382-385. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (2001) Viol-Making in England c.1580-1660. Doctoral thesis, Open University.


Fleming, Michael (2000) Who made the viols `by’ Henry Jaye ? In: Symposium on Bowed String Musical Instruments, 2-3 June 2000, Faculty of Music, University of Edinburgh.

Fleming, Michael (2000) Some points arising from a survey of wills and inventories. The Galpin Society Journal, 53. pp. 301-311. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (2000) Unpacking the 'Chest of Viols'. Chelys, 28. pp. 3-19. ISSN 0952-8407


Fleming, Michael (1999) Viols and other lumber. In: The Galpin Society Conference on Musical Instruments, 9-11 July 1999, University of Edinburgh.

Fleming, Michael (1999) A bridge to the past: Investigating an old viol bridge at Haddon Hall. Early Music, XXVII (2). pp. 235-248. ISSN 0306-1078

Fleming, Michael (1999) Viol design = painting by numbers? In: The British Society for the History of Mathematics Research in Progress Day, 27th February 1999, Wolfson College, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)

Fleming, Michael (1999) The violin explained. Components, mechanism, and sound. The Galpin Society Journal, 52. pp. 325-327. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (1998) Are English string instruments all they are not cracked up to be? In: 32nd RMA Research Students Conference, 14th December 1998, University of York, UK. (Unpublished)

Fleming, Michael (1998) Book review: Edward Withers Ltd. 230 years of Violin Craft in Soho, Adam Whone. Mill Hill publications, 1996. The Galpin Society Journal, 51. pp. 225-226. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1998) Book review: Research Papers in Violin Acoustics 1975-1993, Carleen Maley Hutchins. Woodbury, 1997. The Galpin Society Journal, 51. pp. 221-223. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (1997) Book review: Arte Liutaria, Analysis of Antique Instruments and Restoration Techniques, Carlo Vettori. Florence: Arte Liutaria, 1996. The Galpin Society Journal, 50. pp. 267-269. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1997) Book review: Liuteria Musica e Cultura, 1996, Essays dedicated to John Henry van der Meer, Renato Meucci (ed.). Cremona, 1996. The Galpin Society Journal, 50. pp. 276-277. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1997) Book review: Règles pour la construction des Violons Altis, Violoncelles et Basses de Viol, Antonio Bagatella. Turris, Cremona, 1995. The Galpin Society Journal, 50. pp. 259-260. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1997) Book review: Un secolo di liuteria Italiana 1860-1960. Vol.1. Emilia Romagna, Eric Blot. Cremona, 1994. The Galpin Society Journal, 50. pp. 269-270. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1997) Book review: Antonio Stradivari: The Cremona Exhibition of 1987, Charles Beare. J.& A.Beare Ltd, 1994. The Galpin Society Journal, 50. pp. 259-260. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (1996) Book review: Violin Family and its Makers in the British Isles: an Illustrated History and Directory, Brian W Harvey. Oxford: OUP, 1995. The Galpin Society Journal, 49. pp. 240-244. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1996) Book review: Violin Making Step by Step, Henry A. Strobel. Aumsville: Henry A. Strobel, 1994. The Galpin Society Journal, 49. p. 244. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1996) Paintings of viols in England c.1580-1660. Chelys, 25. pp. 3-21. ISSN 0952-8407


Fleming, Michael (1995) The fantasy viol. In: The Fantasia in England from Alfonso Ferrabosco II to Henry Purcell, 7th - 9th July 1995, University of York, UK. (Unpublished)

Fleming, Michael (1995) Book review: Art and Method of the Violin Maker: Principles and Practice, 2nd edition, Henry A. Strobel. Aumsville: Henry A. Strobel, 1993. The Galpin Society Journal, 48. p. 234. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1995) Book review: The Bassanos: Venetian Musicians and Instrument Makers in England, 1531-1665, David Lasocki with Roger Prior, (Aldershot, Scolar Press, 1995). Chelys, 24. pp. 62-64. ISSN 0952-8407

Fleming, Michael (1995) Book review: The Complete Luthier's Library [Bibliography], Roberto Ragazzi. Bologna: Florenus Edizioni, 1990. The Galpin Society Journal, 48. pp. 214-215. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1995) Book review: The Health of the Violin and the Viola and Cello: Practical Advice on the Acquisition, Maintenance, Adjustment and Conservation of Bowed Instruments, Lucien Greilsamer. Translated from the original French by Henry A. Strobel Aumsville, Oregon: H.A. Strobel, 1991. The Galpin Society Journal, 48. p. 233. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1995) Book review: The History of the Viola, Maurice W. Riley. Ann Arbor: the author, 1993, 1991. The Galpin Society Journal, 48. pp. 228-231. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1995) Book review: Useful Measurements for Violin Makers, a Reference for Shop Use, 4th edition, Henry A Strobel. Aumsville, Oregon: H.A. Strobel, 1991. The Galpin Society Journal, 48. p. 231. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1995) Book review: Violin Maker's Notebook: a Companion Volume to Useful Measurements for Violin Makers, a Reference for Shop Use, 2nd edition, Henry A. Strobel. Aumsville, Oregon: H.A. Strobel, 1991. The Galpin Society Journal, 48. p. 232. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (1994) Book review: La Chélonomie, ou le parfait luthier..., Paris, 1812, Abbé SÉBASTIEN-ANDRÉ SIBIRE, Reimpression de l'edition de Bruxelles, 1823. Facsimile edition. Geneva: Minkoff, 1984. The Galpin Society Journal: for the study of musical instruments, 47. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1994) Book review: La Lutherie Lorraine et Française depuis ses Origines jusqu'à nos Jours, Albert Jacquot, Paris: Fischbacher, 1912. Facsimile edition. Geneva: Minkoff, 1985. The Galpin Society Journal: for the study of musical instruments, 47. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1994) Book review: Observations on the construction of stringed instruments and their adjustment, 1804, 1805, 1809, 1810, 1816, Count Ignazio Cozio di Salabue, translated from the original Italian by Andrew Dipper and David Woodrow Taynton, 1987. The Galpin Society Journal: for the study of musical instruments, 47. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1994) Book review: The Shape of Stradivari Forms and Violins, David Woodrow, Taynton: Taynton Press, 1991. The Galpin Society Journal: for the study of musical instruments, 47. ISSN 0072-0127

Fleming, Michael (1994) Book review: The Violin Forms of Antonio Stradivari, Stewart Pollens, London: Peter Biddulph, 1992. The Galpin Society Journal: for the study of musical instruments, 47. ISSN 0072-0127


Fleming, Michael (1992) Book review: Geometry, Proportion and the Art of Lutherie, Kevn Coates, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991). Chelys, 21. pp. 90-91. ISSN 0952-8407

Fleming, Michael (1992) Book review: Violin Fraud, Brian W. Harvey, (Oxford, 1992). Chelys, 22. pp. 51-52. ISSN 0952-8407


Fleming, Michael (1989) Viol drawings. Chelys, 18. pp. 30-40. ISSN 0952-8407

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