Aburass, Ali, Yangchun, Guo, Tie, Wang, Fengshou, Gu, Ball, Andrew and Brown, D.R. (2014) Investigation of the Effect of Biodiesel Blends on Fuel Injection Pumps based on Vibration and Pressure Measurements. In: VETOMAC-X 2014, 9-11th September 2014, Manchester Conference Centre (Days Hotel), University of Manchester, UK. (Submitted)
Aburass, Ali, Zhen, Dong, Gu, Fengshou and Ball, Andrew (2013) Combustion Diagnostics of a Diesel Engine with Biodiesel Fuels based on Vibro-acoustics and In-Cylinder Pressure Measurements. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2013 : CEARC'13. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 13-18. ISBN 9781862181212
Madamedon, Misan, Gu, Fengshou, Aburass, Ali and Ball, Andrew (2016) Online Estimation of Engine Driveline Dynamic Properties. In: International Conference for Student on Applied engineering, 20-21st October 2016, Newcastle. (Unpublished)