Marsden, Frances and Youde, Andrew (2015) Course management and administration. In: Teaching in lifelong learning : a guide to theory and practice. Open University Press. ISBN 9780335263325
Marsden, Frances, McMahon, Samantha and Youde, Andrew (2013) Inter-agency working, observation and assessment. In: Safeguarding and Protecting Children in the Early Years. Routledge, pp. 165-179. ISBN 9780415527507
Marsden, Frances and Youde, Andrew (2012) Fostering a transactional presence: a practical guide to supporting work-based learners. In: Part-Time study: the new paradigm for Higher Education? UALL, Leicester, UK.
Marsden, Frances and Youde, Andrew (2010) Administration and course management. In: Teaching in Lifelong Learning: a guide to theory and practice. Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 230-237. ISBN 9780335234691
Youde, A and Marsden, F (2012) Developing a transactional presence amongst adult learners in blended learning contexts: an exploration of the skills, qualities and traits required of the tutor. In: EDULEARN12 Proceedings of International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 6334-6342. ISBN 978-84-695-3491-5