The University of Huddersfield ePrints Repository was the electronic archive of University’s research outputs from 2007 until 2017.

In December 2017, Pure became the University’s research repository for Academic staff and from September 2022 research outputs (including PhD theses) by Postgraduate researchers will also be added to PURE.

Outputs from other University staff can still be added to ePrints.

The Repository of the University of Huddersfield provides a digital collection of the research output of the University, which is institutionally defined and is in a standardised format. It facilitates an open access system of storage and retrieval of information from the digitised content. The major benefit to the university is in enabling the dissemination of scholarly work in a coherent and barrier-free manner, whilst also contributing to a managed approach to research output nationally.

Material in the repository will conform with the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. This will ensure research output can be found using such Internet search engines as Google Scholar. University researchers will benefit from the increased impact of their work, a standardised CV and a central archive from their research output. The repository is cumulative and perpetual.

Who can search?
Who can deposit material?
What content is included in the repository?
Persistent access
Contact Information
About this software

Who can search?

Material available on Open Access is publicly available. Some material is on restricted access e.g. Preprints; items which have a time restriction placed by the publisher and those items intended for Research Assessment Exercise 2008 which are not suitable for Open Access.

Who can deposit material?

Any University of Huddersfield member of staff, researcher or postgraduate research student, can deposit material. ('Researcher' may include visiting fellows/professors, who would also be eligible to deposit material).

What content is included in the repository?

Content scheduled for future development may include (on restricted access)


Authors retain the copyright for all content posted in the repository. The agreement specifies a non exclusive right to use, so that the author is free to reuse the content elsewhere.

When content has already been published in a commercial journal, agreement with the journal publisher has been established.

Intellectual property rights are owned by the university in the case of material produced under its auspices.

Persistent access

The University of Huddersfield is committed to providing persistent access to content in the Repository.

Contact Information

Any correspondence concerning this specific repository should be sent to

About this software

This repository is running on GNU EPrints open repository software, a freely distributable repository system available from

Other institutions are invited (and encouraged) to set up their own open repositories for author self-archiving, using the freely-distributable GNU EPrints software used at this site.