Canter, David V. (1996) The Potential of Facet Theory for Applied Social Psychology. In: Psychology in Action. Dartmouth Benchmark Series . Dartmouth Publishing Company, Hantshire, UK, pp. 39-70. ISBN 1855213656

In order to illustrate a relatively new approach to research methods and data
analysis, most commonly referred to as facet theory (Gratch, 1973), the present
paper describes three examples of the approach in use. The range of data types and
variety of modes of analysis which can be accommodated by this approach are
exemplified, starting with a simple example dealing with energy conservation in
universities, then moving on to examine differences between prisoners and staff in
their evaluation of prison buildings, and finally considering the more complex
methodological issues involved in establishing the structure of housing satisfaction.
However, whilst this paper essentially concerns research procedures, especially the
use of multivariate statistics, I wish to make the case that the facet approach holds
particular potential for applied social psychology.

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