Flynn, Jonathan and Jones, Janice (2009) An evaluation of a 6-month preceptorship scheme between the University of Huddersfield and Kirklees Primary Care Trust. Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished)

a) General Summary
This report was funded by the Yorkshire & Humber Strategic Health Authority and is an
evaluation of a 6-month preceptorship scheme involving a collaboration between the
University of Huddersfield & Kirklees Primary Care Trust. The report presents findings
from both the preceptee’s and mentor’s involved in this scheme. It presents the findings,
limitations and conclusions of the scheme.
b) Preceptee Summary
The preceptorship scheme was particularly beneficial to the band 5’s who had been out
of employment for a significant period of time. The facilitated preceptorship sessions had
provided the band 5’s with opportunities to develop a peer support network, enhance
their knowledge base to apply to clinical work and develop their portfolios in line with the
Knowledge & Skills Framework (KSF).
The community settings where the bands 5’s were placed provided challenging
environments. They had the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge outside the
boundaries of secondary care settings. However they concluded their preference was to
work initially post qualification in secondary care settings; where they perceived greater
professional security was provided alongside the opportunity to develop essential core
skills and a wider knowledge base for future practice.
c) Mentor Summary
The mentors identified the preceptorship scheme as a positive initiative but it was not
without its challenges. The term ‘preceptorship’ was not a familiar phrase for several
mentors and the expectations of the scheme were not entirely clear to all mentors. The
speed in which the scheme was implemented threw up its own challenges, however the
mentors were able to absorb this and largely take it in their stride.
It was identified that some areas were more difficult than others for band 5’s to work
within and left them potentially at more risk. To facilitate the presence of band 5’s within
the community the mentors advised that specific formal training for both mentors and
preceptee’s would be needed. To ensure the right skill mix and aid selection and
retention, the mentors thought that a cross-rotational system sampling equally from
secondary and primary care would be extremely beneficial. All mentors were in
agreement that the preceptorship had certainly improved the confidence of the
preceptee’s. Finally a number of concerns ranging from restructuring of banding levels,
fears around quality and delivery of care and the burden that additional training may
bring were raised.

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