Williams, Sion and Keady, John (2004) Writing Lives: The Development of Nurse Education by Using the Biographies of Older People. In: Narrative, Memory & Identity: Theoretical and Methodological Issues. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 193-200.

The development of gerontological nurse education in North Wales is an
ongoing project and is mainly centred on partnership between the School of
Nursing, University of Wales, Bangor and the three local NHS Trusts that
cover a substantial, and largely rural, geographical area. The Health care and
ageing module coursework focuses on a biographical approach to
understanding ageing and chronicity, underpinned by an emic viewpoint.
Following preparation by the primary lecturer (SW), this requires the
production of a 3,500 word assignment based on taking the life history of an
older person from their work setting. The module assessment and engagement
strategy utilises Johnson’s (1978) framework as the basis for completing an
older person’s life history. The current Health care and ageing programme
commenced in 1998 and so far five cohorts (n=46) have successfully
completed the module. This chapter explores the theoretical rationale for
developing and evaluating the ‘Health care and ageing: integrating
perspectives’ module on the DPP framework, a short 15 day course that is
accessed by nurse practitioners from a range of settings within the NHS and
private sectors, including acute, and community sectors, mental health and
continuing care.

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