Junginger, T., Weingarten, W., Welsch, C. and Seviour, Rebecca (2012) RF and Surface Properties of Bulk Niobium and Niobium Film Samples. In: Proceedings of the International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC 2012. JACoW, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, pp. 2278-2280. ISBN 978-3-95450-115-1

The surface resistance Rs of superconducting cavities can be obtained from the unloaded quality factor Q0. Since RS varies strongly over the cavity surface its value must be interpreted as averaged over the whole cavity surface. A more convenient way to investigate the surface resistance of superconducting materials is therefore to examine small samples, because they can be manufactured cheaply, duplicated easily and used for further surface analyses. At CERN a compact Quadrupole Resonator has been developed for the RF characterization of superconducting samples at different frequencies. In this contribution, results from measurements on bulk niobium and niobium film on copper samples are presented. Different models accounting for the field depended surface resistance are being confronted by the experimental results. The RF results are being correlated to surface analyses measurements carried out on the same samples

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