Sinha, Pammi (2009) Product Labelling for Improved End of Life Management. Research Report. DEFRA, Aylesbury.

This report, written by Sinha, using research data from Sinha and Hussey, develops current knowledge about the environmental impact of textiles from the corporate wear perspective: it identifies (i) the processes of and problems with the end of life (EoL) management of corporate wear, (ii) the political and financial implications of using eco-labelled materials in the design and manufacture of corporate wear and (iii) certification labels currently available that incorporate EoL management criteria and (iv) issues to consider for corporate wear. The report concludes by outlining the potential for an eco-labelling system for EoL management of corporate wear. Sinha also developed a decision making tool for the corporate wear industry members considering the use of eco-label. Publically downloadable on the uniform reuse website, the report and tool informs manufacturers and suppliers of more efficient EoL management of corporate wear. This report contributed to government policy for textile waste management: key issues, a case study and conclusions from this report were detailed on page 11 of the government published report Sustainable Clothing RoadMap Progress Report 2011 Additionally, this report informed the decisions about the activities for the next set of projects funded until 2013. As the clothing supply chain is global, these agreements will have international impact. Outcomes and key recommendations for policies were published by the UK Government in their report “Sustainable Clothing Action Plan (SCAP) Update February 2010” The UK government funded the “Sustainable Clothing Roadmap” (SCR) initiative through DEFRA, with an aim to identify interventions to reduce the environmental impact along the global supply chain of the clothing and fashion industry. DEFRA tendered for several organisations to undertake research on their behalf; one of which was CRR, within OH, a research and consulting company aiming to support change toward more sustainable and less carbon-intensive products, processes, services and supply chains. CRR in turn issued competitive tenders for researchers.

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